Galloway Christian Centre is an church that seeks to introduce people to Jesus Christ and disciple those that choose to follow Him as their Lord and Saviour.
We started life in 1996 as a church plant from Cockermouth Christian Centre in Cumbria (which was a church plant itself from Lakes Christian Centre in South Lakes).
We enjoy contemporary worship with sound biblical teaching. The church is run by elders (currently Colin Reilly and Wesley Millar) who are supported by a deacons.
We meet in the Town Hall in Dalbeattie because its a great building, it's central, there is huge car park at the back of the building and it means that we as a church can fully engage in our mission without the worry of building maintenance.
We have a children's program every Sunday morning including a creche, junior and senior Sunday School. Our growing teenagers stay in the Sunday meetings with regular youth fellowship after the service.
As a church we welcome and expect the gifts of the Holy Spirit but seek to do every thing decently and in order. We want to avoid the traps of legalism where we might dry up but neither do we want to become hyper charismatic so that we blow up.
During the week we meet for fellowship, to discuss the previous Sunday's teaching and for prayer.
We genuinely seek to be a family church knowing and accept that this can sometimes be noisy.
Tea, coffee and cake seem to be served at every meeting...